Care, Welfare, Guidance & Support

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Care, Welfare, Guidance & Support

Care Guidance Welfare and Support

A happy child who is confident, feels safe and knows where to get support from is a child who can thrive personally, socially and educationally.  At Hummersknott we put a great deal of emphasis and resource into making this statement a reality.

Our pastoral care systems are well embedded, comprehensive and geared to supporting your child through every aspect of school life.    I am a believer that at some point in our educational career we all will need some support, care and guidance.  This may be for a brief time or in place for longer or across the entre time a child is with us in school.  It is our duty and privilege to ensure this support is provided swiftly, is effective and appropriate to the child. 


College system

Our Colleges have been the backbone to our pastoral system throughout Hummersknott’s existence as a Comprehensive school.  We have 5 Colleges, children and staff are linked to a College.  The Colleges then take part in fund raising events, competitions such a sports day and the legendary College Music Festival as well as compete for the annual College cup .  The College cup brings attendance, positive behaviour points into play as well as additional competitions and events.  At the end of each year the cup is awarded to the overall winners amongst great celebration!

As well as College events each College holds two from mentor groups from each year group within it.  They have their own year 11 College captains and leaders who meet with the school leadership regularly around school matters and initiatives and also College leaders work with the children within their College to organise events and get people involved as well as look out for each other and care for each other.  Our Colleges are often described as being like a big family or small schools within the school.  We even designed the current building around the College system so all the College groups remain together at form time and building colours are those of the Colleges

Each College has a College manager.  This is a non-teaching member of staff who is skilled and dedicated to provide wider extensive pastoral care to their children.  They are located in the College area and provide a link from home to school and meet the needs of children on a daily basis from supporting with a lost timetable to arranging family support meetings and in school strategies.  The College managers abilities, skills and commitment mean that children have a friendly face, a true beacon of support and someone who cares for them and is determined to help each child make a positive contribution daily and be the best they can be in all they do.  Each College manager is supported by an Assistant Principal who works within the College to support children to meet expectations and thrive socially academically and emotionally.


Wider pastoral support

We are acutely aware of the needs of our children and as such work closely with external agencies who can support children and families further.  In addition, we have in house support networks and systems that provide swift and effective intervention to those that need it.  Our interventions range from in class support and mentoring to education within our curriculum centres or bespoke pastoral and educational support bases .


Attendance and Welfare team

Within school we have an attendance team that manage and promote attendance daily and support children and families to attend school regularly.  This team also supports children and families outside of school and ensure all children have what they need to thrive.  Uniform provision, school meal vouchers, clothes exchange at home visits , family welfare and intervention and joint service working are all under the remit of this skilled and incredibly committed team.